CCR Mobile Device
Project Scope:
The hottest technologies today are small and wireless hand-held appliances with multiple functions. Provide a comprehensive product design for a fictional company, considering the system configuration and interface design that can facilitate such a bringing together of these diverse platforms.
Project Assessment:
In concept, the product and market for such an application and interface made sense, even for a niche market.  Only one iteration of prototype and evaluation cycle was performed, but the results gave clear future directions a design team would pursue in second and subsequent design and prototypes
Usability Methods Used:
  • Problem Space Definition
  • Conceptualization
  • Establishing Requirements (based on field analysis)
  • Design & Create Low- and High-Fidelity prototype
  • Interview Evaluations
  • Cognitive Walkthroughs
David was one of three members of this team, along side an emergency triage doctor and an Indianapolis Public School librarian.  "CCR" was the three team members last name initials.  David was the only members with a technical background, so he created all HTML prototype interactions based on PowerPoint sketches.  All team members brought unique perspectives to the project, and melded ideas into a common direction.
Project Deliverables:
CCR Final Report (pdf)
CCR Final Presentation (pdf)
Interactive Prototype Web Site (link)